Guiding Beliefs
Educators at The John Dewey Academy of Learning believe that learning is active. Learners come to school to get involved in things and participate in a community which gives them real, guided experiences that increase their capacity to meet their full potential. (Paraphrased from John Dewey, Experience and Education, 1938.)
Educators at the John Dewey Academy of Learning believe that learners should be involved in real-life tasks and challenges. Students should have a hand in choosing and designing these tasks. They should be involved in bringing the learning to life. They should be actively involved in the assessment of their learning.
Educators at the John Dewey Academy of Learning believe that they function as mentors, coaches. They encourage the learner to think deeply and critically and lovingly about their passions. They help students construct meaningful, focused, rich lines of inquiry. They guide students to choose learning targets and learning experiences that will result in meaningful lifelong learning. They conduct students through continuity in learning, assisting learners to include areas in which they need to develop. They help students focus on content and process. They help students assess themselves for two purposes:
To evaluate the rigor and quality of their products, and
To provide continuity for the next learning.